As we embark on the transformative journey of 2024, we are thrilled to introduce our overarching theme for the year: "Grand Rising." This powerful theme symbolizes not only growth but ascension, reflecting our collective commitment to reaching new heights as a spiritual community.

Your participation and support are integral to the success of these initiatives. You'll hear from us throughout the year on ways that you can join in on our "Grand Rising". Together, let us embrace this theme and work towards a year of profound growth, spiritual ascension, and collective impact.


  • In 2024, we are amplifying our volunteer opportunities to create a more inclusive and impactful engagement. We want to match individual talents with the diverse needs of our community, fostering a deeper connection and enriching the volunteering experience. This expansion extends beyond our center to encompass outreach programs, community festivals, and events, allowing us to contribute meaningfully both within and beyond our walls.

  • At the core of our community's growth lies the development of new leadership talent. We are committed to empowering the next generation of leaders, equipping them with the skills and confidence necessary to guide our community forward. This approach ensures a continual infusion of fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, vital for our collective inspiration and progress.

  • Strategically expanding our membership, growing our community, and enhancing outreach are crucial components of our 'Grand Rising' journey. Our goal is to attract a diverse range of new members, embracing individuals from the LGBT+ community, young families, and people of all cultural, ethnic, socio-economic and religious backgrounds to ensure our community is a true mosaic of experiences and beliefs. We aim to nurture the spiritual development of our children, youth and their families, fostering a supportive and enriching environment for their growth. This initiative not only broadens our impact but also aligns perfectly with the ethos of 'Grand Rising,' as we collectively strive to reach new horizons, with a dedicated focus on nurturing the next generation.